Economic Development Committee

Notice of Meeting


Monday, 20 February 2017


20 February 2017



Mr John Rayner


An Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 20 February 2017 at 6.00pm in Meeting Room 2, Kogarah Civic Centre, 2 Belgrave Street, Kogarah for consideration of the business available on Council's website at





Gail Connolly

General Manager




1. Apologies

2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

4. Disclosures of Interest

5. Agenda Items

6. General Business

7. Next meeting Monday, 24 April 2017 at 6.00pm

Ordinary Meeting

Summary of Items

Monday, 20 February 2017


Previous Minutes

MINUTES: Economic Development Committee - 21 November 2016  

Council Reports

EDC001-17       Discussion Paper - Economic Development Strategy

(Report by Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson)...................................... 2

EDC002-17       Small Business Friendly Councils Program

(Report by Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson).................................... 78

EDC003-17       Easy To Do Business Program

(Report by Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson).................................... 85

EDC004-17       Back to Business Week - 26 Februay - 4 March 2017

(Report by Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson).................................... 87



Georges River Council – Ordinary Meeting -  Monday, 20 February 2017                                                                         Page 2


Item:                   EDC001-17        Discussion Paper - Economic Development Strategy 

Author:              Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson

Directorate:      Environment and Planning



(a)     That the Economic Development Advisory Committee considers the headings for the proposed Draft Georges River Economic Development Strategy and advise of any additions or changes.

(b)     That the Committee consider the Georges River Economic Overview.  (Attachment 1)

(c)     That following discussions regarding the subject headings for the Draft Strategy that the Committee recommends that work on the strategy commences.


Executive Summary

1.      One of the key functions of the Committee is to assist in the development of an Economic Development Strategy for the Georges River Council Local Government Area. Council is seeking input from the Committee regarding the contents, structure and direction of the strategy to ensure that it informs future Council plans and policies and aligns with Federal and State government priorities.

2.      A series of headings have been suggested following a review of strategies from other local government areas and from overseas.

3.      Once the headings have been agreed on Council Officers will commence the preparation of the Economic Development Strategy.


Headings for the Economic Development Strategy

4.      A series of headings (similar to a table of contents) has been prepared for the Committee’s consideration and is outlined in the Table below:



What the section of the Strategy will cover

A  Vision for the local

State the vision for the LGA.

Note: the vision will be developed through the preparation of the strategy but will be stated upfront in the strategy. It The Strategy will investigate the aspirations for the area and what does a successful local economy look like. This information will feed into the vision.


A message from the Administrator that articulates the attributes, aspirations of the community. 

Executive Summary

A concise summary of the:

·    Background

·    Economic context

·    Vision – objectives for economic development?

·    How to achieve the vision – actions required?



·    About the economic development strategy

·    Methodology

·    How do we influence development?

Economic context:

·    Federal, State and local derivers? Key Future Drivers of Growth– Sydney Airport, Port Botany, West Connex, local infrastructure upgrades eg Hurstville Central Plaza Project.

·    Georges River’s role in economic development

·    What are the trends?

·    What are the opportunities and challenges? SWOT Analysis of Georges River – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

·    Case for change?

This section will define the role of economic development in the local economy and explain how the strategy will influence key drivers of economic growth such as land use planning, the provision on of services, revitalisation of centres this section will also describe the advantages of the local area as well as outline opportunities and challenges.

Existing Plans to be considered -

·    A Plan for Growing Sydney (NSW Department of Planning – Draft South District Plan)

·    Local Environmental Plans (Hurstville and Kogarah)

·    Draft Georges River Council Employment Lands Study

·    Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy

·    ABS Data and Economy ID


·    What does success look like?

·    Vison Statement

·    Achieving the vision – what needs to be done?

Key Strategic Themes/ Directions

These could be grouped into three or four main headings.

Each will have objectives, possible actions, etc.

·    Sustainability

·    Transport, Connectivity and Infrastructure

·    Community and quality of life

·    Workforce, Education and Skills

·    Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Resilience and Enterprise

·    Sector or Cluster Development – Health, Retail, Manufacturing, Education, Sport, Visitor economy, Tourism, Hospitality and Entertainment

·    Improving the public domain

·    Activating centres

·    Retaining local businesses

·    Attracting new businesses to the area


Key Actions

·    Making it happen

Measurement and Reporting

·    Time frame

·    Costings

·    The delivery of actions, projects or tasks arising from the Economic Development will take the form of an implementation plan accountable to Council’s operational plans and budgets.



Financial Implications

5.      The development of this strategy would be carried out by internal staff


File Reference

6.      SF17/9




Attachment View1

Georges River Council Economic Overview


Georges River Council - Ordinary Meeting - Monday, 20 February 2017

EDC001-17          Discussion Paper - Economic Development Strategy

[Appendix 1]         Georges River Council Economic Overview



Page 5










































































Georges River Council – Ordinary Meeting -  Monday, 20 February 2017                                                                         Page 78

Item:                   EDC002-17        Small Business Friendly Councils Program 

Author:              Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson

Directorate:      Environment and Planning



(a)     That the Committee note the Small Business Friendly Council Charter and its contents.

(b)     That the Committee considers the key elements of the Charter and advises on the main points outlined in particular the development of key initiatives for local business. 


Executive Summary

1.      On 22 December 20-16 Georges River Council signed a Charter detailing its commitment to local business with NSW Office of the Small Business Commissioner as part of the Small Business Friendly Council’s Program



2.      By signing the charter Council commits to:

•        considering the needs of local business in all aspects of its decision making;

•        maintaining open lines of communication, particularly with businesses from culturally diverse communities;

•        take all available steps to reduce the administrative burden on small business; and

•        developing three key initiatives for local business.


A copy of the Charter is attached.


Financial Implications

3.      Within budget allocation.

4.      No budget impact for this report.


File Reference







Attachment View1

Small Business Friendly Councils Charter


Georges River Council - Ordinary Meeting - Monday, 20 February 2017

EDC002-17          Small Business Friendly Councils Program

[Appendix 1]         Small Business Friendly Councils Charter



Page 79






Georges River Council – Ordinary Meeting -  Monday, 20 February 2017                                                                         Page 82

Item:                   EDC003-17        Easy To Do Business Program  

Author:              Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson

Directorate:      Environment and Planning



(a)     That the Committee note the Easy to do Business Program.


Executive Summary

1.      The NSW State Government has recognised that there is a significant opportunity to refocus on small business by developing the Easy to do Business Program.



2.      The program is a partnership with Service NSW and Georges River Council.  The project aims to streamline the application and approval processes for new and existing businesses by ensuring that they only have to enter data once thereby enabling them to get up and running sooner.


3.      As well providing benefits to local business the program will position Council as a business enabler helping businesses to open within 90 days and championing economic opportunity and jobs growth. Council is in the process of entering into a partnership arrangement with Service NSW with a launch of the program planned for late February/early March.


4.      Following the announcement of the partnership, the program will provide an online platform for intending businesses to complete all the necessary approvals required to open a business and will also offer businesses a dedicated business concierge to help them with all their requirements.  Council is working closely with the Easy to do Business Program to ensure that information is consistent and that this information will be shared efficiently.


5.      The program will position Georges River as a great place to open a business and will showcase our vibrant and diverse local economy by featuring business ambassadors that will promote the program.



Financial Implications

6.      TBC



File Reference

7.      16/1282







Georges River Council – Ordinary Meeting -  Monday, 20 February 2017                                                                         Page 83

Item:                   EDC004-17        Back to Business Week - 26 Februay - 4 March 2017 

Author:              Hurstville Place Manager, Craig Edmondson

Directorate:      Environment and Planning



(a)     That the Committee be informed of Back to Business Week and be invited to participate.


Executive Summary

1.      On the 12 January Council received an invitation to participate in Back to Business week, a new initiative by the NSW Department of Industry to promote and celebrate the success of small and medium sized businesses and the critical role they play in communities across NSW. Back to Business week will be held from 26 February to 4 March 2017. To assist Council in supporting this new initiative, the Department has offered Council $10,000 to hold two (or more) events for the local business community to ensure that Council celebrates the important role they play in our community.

2.      Since receiving the invitation a copy of the contract has been sent to the General Manager for consideration and signature and the completed contract has been forwarded to the Department.  The requirements of the initiative are that the event is aimed at local business and that it occurs in the local government area during the Week and that all due acknowledgements to the Department occur as required by the contract.


The Program

3.      In anticipation of a short lead time, discussions have taken place with BEC Southern Sydney – the peak business organisation in Southern Sydney to develop a draft program.

4.      This program comprises the following events for the Executive Team’s consideration:




Wednesday 1 March


BEC Workshops for business owners:

·    0800-1100: Start a Business – The Essentials

·    1200-1500: Business Planning for Growth

·    1600-1900: Marketing Magic

Each workshop will be delivered by a Business advisor from the BEC.

•        Participants will be provided with a workbook and supporting materials to assist them at the workshop and in the development of their business.

·    Each participant will be able to utilise two hours of face-to-face meetings with a business advisor at no cost to themselves under the NSW Government’s Business Connect program (unless they have already availed themselves of that opportunity.

·    Participants can sign up for one or more of these workshops. Maximum attendance is 15.

·    The first workshop is suitable for intenders, start-ups and those who have been in business for less than 12 months. The other workshops are suitable for all levels of business owner from start-up to establish.

·    Cost per workshop is $49, payable by each participant in advance of the event.

·    Bookings for the workshops and payment must be made on the BEC/Realise Business website.

·    The BEC will market these opportunities on its website and in our regular mailings and newsletters. It will be expected that Council undertakes marketing of the events through its own resources.

·    Marketing material will describe the events as a joint venture between Realise Business and Georges River Council as part of Back to Business Week.

·    Location of workshops: to be decided by Georges River Council. Possibly the Jubilee Centre, Carlton or a venue arranged and paid for by Council.

·    Council will contribute $500 to the BEC/Realise Business to defray the cost of marketing and refreshments at the workshops.

·    Catering will be arranged by the BEC/Realise Business.


6.00-8.30pm screening of the recent film `The Founder’ Event Cinemas Hurstville.

The Founder is the story of Ray Croc the man who started McDonald’s which can be screened at Event Cinemas Hurstville – cost $2500 which includes beer, wine and canapes. The Cinema can screen the film and is awaiting confirmation from Council.

Thursday 2 March

Breakfast with an Entrepreneur

7.30am to 9.30am at the St George Motor Boat Club.

Speaker to be arranged by the BEC.

·    Coordination of the event and booking of facilities will be conducted by the BEC/Realise Business.

·    The format will be similar to past events of this type with the guest speaker/entrepreneur being interviewed on stage while attendees partake of breakfast. The guest speaker will be expected to describe their business with a view to imparting advice to attendees on how they can enhance their own businesses using similar approaches and concepts. Attendees will be able to ask questions to the guest speaker from the floor.

·    The event will provide excellent opportunities for networking and meeting the guest speaker/entrepreneur.

·    Marketing material will describe the event as a joint venture between Realise Business and Georges River Council as part of back to Business Week.

·    Council will contribute $3,000 to the BEC/Realise Business to assist in defraying facility hire costs, speaker fees and marketing.

·    The BEC will market this event on its website and in our regular mailings and newsletters. It will be expected that Council undertakes marketing of the event through its own resources.

Friday 3 March

Pub Biz

4.00pm to 6.00pm at Gardens on Forest, Peakhurst.

·    The venue has been provisionally booked by the BEC but we must confirm soonest.

·    Council to contribute $2,500 towards the event to defray the cost of venue hire, marketing, draw prizes, drinks and pub bites style of food.

·    There will be no fee payable by participants/attendees.

·    The event will provide excellent opportunities for networking by all participants.

·    The BEC will market this event at its February Pub Biz, on its website and in our regular mailings and newsletters. It will be expected that Council undertakes marketing of the event through its own resources.

·    Marketing material will describe the events as a joint venture between Realise Business and Georges River Council as part of Back to Business Week.



Financial Implications


5.      Within budget allocation.

6.      No budget impact for this report.


File Reference


5.      16/80