Aboriginal Advisory Committee

Notice of Meeting


Monday, 1 May 2017

21 April 2017


Mr John Rayner


An Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting will be held at 12noon in the Ground Floor Meeting Room, Hurstville Civic Centre, MacMahon Street, Hurstville on Monday, 1 May 2017 for consideration of the business available on Council's website at http://www.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/Council/Council-Meetings.




Gail Connolly

General Manager




1. Apologies

2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

4. Disclosures of Interest

5. Agenda Items

6. General Business

7. Next meeting - Monday, 7 August 2017 12.00noon





Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting

Summary of Items

Monday, 1 May 2017


Previous Minutes

MINUTES: Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting - 6 February 2017

Agenda Items

AAC006-17       Nomination for Salt Pan Creek as an Aboriginal Place

(Report by Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer)............................ 2

AAC007-17       Smoking Ceremony protocols

(Report by Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer)............................ 4

AAC008-17       Projects update

(Report by Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer)............................ 7

AAC009-17       Review of Aboriginal Strategy

(Report by Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer)............................ 8

AAC010-17       Submission to the Referendum Council

(Report by Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer).......................... 26   


Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 1



1.      Apologies 

2.      Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting - 6 February 2017

3.      Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

4.      Disclosure of Interest

Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 2

5.      Agenda Items

Item:                   AAC006-17        Nomination for Salt Pan Creek as an Aboriginal Place  

Author:              Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer



(a)     That the Committee be informed on the progress of the nomination for Salt Pan Creek, previously known as Salt Pan Creek Aboriginal Camp, to be declared as an Aboriginal Place.

(b)     That the Committee provides input on the recognition and protection of this significant place.

(c)     That the Committee continues its partnership with Council and Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) on the recognition and protection of Aboriginal sites and cultural heritage across the local government area.




1.      The OEH has received a nomination for Salt Pan Creek, previously known as Salt Pan Creek Aboriginal Camp, to be declared as an Aboriginal Place. The nominated place falls within the Georges River Council Local Government Area and is located at Peakhurst.



2.      Staff from the Heritage Division of OEH will discuss with the Committee the nomination received for Salt Pan Creek, previously known as Salt Pan Creek Aboriginal Camp, and the significance of the declaration on the land. The nominated site is near Council's 2015 Historical Marker in Charm Place which recognises aspects of the former camp’s history. 


3.      Council, alongside OEH, acknowledges and respects the rights of Aboriginal people to determine the cultural significance of their heritage and values the views of the community on places of special significance to them.


Financial Implications

4.      No budget impact for this report.


File Reference






Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 3

Item:                   AAC007-17        Smoking Ceremony protocols  

Author:              Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer



(a)     That the Committee reviews and endorses Smoking Ceremony protocols for inclusion in the Aboriginal Protocols and Practices document.




1.      Georges River Council is committed to observing Aboriginal cultural protocols including ‘smoking ceremony’ protocols that demonstrate respect for the cultural traditions and the history of the Aboriginal people living within the Council Local Government Area.



2.      Council over the years has demonstrated a real and genuine commitment to recognise and acknowledge Aboriginal people, their culture and heritage. Council works closely with members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee to communicate Aboriginal cultural protocols to the organisation and to the broader community.

3.      Council recently has developed protocols about 'welcome and acknowledgments to country' and it is planned to extend the protocols to include 'smoking ceremony' and other protocols. These protocols can assist Council staff and partners with ways we can work, communicate, consult and recognise our local Aboriginal community. It is hoped that these protocols will provide a better understanding of Aboriginal culture and traditions.

4.      A draft of 'smoking ceremony' practices will be discussed at the meeting. If agreed the ‘smoking ceremony’ practices will be added to Council's draft document on Aboriginal Protocols and Practices.  


Financial Implications

5.      No budget impact for this report.


File Reference






Attachment View1

Draft Aboriginal Protocols and Practices document.


Georges River Council - Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting - Monday, 1 May 2017

AAC007-17          Smoking Ceremony protocols

[Appendix 1]         Draft Aboriginal Protocols and Practices document.



Page 4


Aboriginal Cultural Protocols


Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment of Country




The difference between a 'Welcome to Country' and an 'Acknowledgment of Country' are often not understood. It is important for those organising a Welcome or Acknowledgement to understand the differences between them and know who to contact for an elders to conduct a welcome ceremony.




Georges River Council is committed to show respect for Aboriginal people as Australia's First Peoples. Council in collaboration with the Aboriginal Advisory Committee is committed to working in genuine partnership promoting greater understanding of Aboriginal culture and protocols.


Council is adopting the practice of acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land at events, ceremonies, meetings and functions.


Acknowledgement of Country


An Acknowledgement of Country is a statement of recognition of the Traditional Custodian of the land. An Acknowledgement of Country can be given by both Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal people.


Example 1

"I would like to acknowledge the Biddegal/Bidjigal/Bedegal people of the Eora nation who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land on which this (meeting/event) is taking place and pay my respects to the Elders past and present".



“I would like to acknowledge the Biddegal/Bidjigal/Bedegal people who are the Traditional Custodians of this land and also pay my respect to the Elders both past and present and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are present here today".





Welcome to Country


A 'Welcome to Country' is a formal welcome onto Aboriginal Land given by:

·         An Elder/Aboriginal person who traditionally comes from that land, or

·         Performed by an Aboriginal person who has been granted permission from the Local Aboriginal Land Council.


A 'Welcome to Country' can only be performed by a Traditional Custodian from that particular Country where the event is being held. This is usually a recognised Elder from the local community. The Elder welcomes people to their land.


Smoking Ceremony


A smoking ceremony is undertaken in Aboriginal communities in order to cleanse a space which the ceremony takes place, so as to allow peace and recognise the importance of the occasion. The smoking ceremony is a purification ritual and is always undertaken by an Aboriginal Elder or an Aboriginal person with specialised spiritual and cultural knowledge.


However, a smoking ceremony should only be performed with permission from the Traditional Owners as the Darug/Eora people did not perform smoking ceremonies.


Given the significant nature of the ceremony, a smoking ceremony is usually only performed on special occasions or at major events and places of spiritual significance.


It should be noted that a smoking ceremony is more appropriate for outdoor occasions due to ventilation requirements.


Aboriginal people may request a smoking ceremony in a workplace where a death or other traumatic event has occurred. This request is of tremendous significance to them and should be respected. Failure to do so may cause significant distress.


Council Community Development Team can provide contact details for suitable Aboriginal persons who can perform any of the above protocols.



Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 6

Item:                   AAC008-17        Projects update 

Author:              Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer



(a)     That Committee members endorse the projects and provide feedback on projects in development for further consideration by Council officers.




1.      Council staff will update Committee members on Community Development projects that are in development. These projects aim to foster a culture of identity to Aboriginal people and strengthen their relationship with the wider community.


2.      Council staff have been working throughout 2017 on projects and events that have significant relevance to Aboriginal people and culture, including: Our Story-Our Dreaming, Reconciliation Week celebration, NAIDOC Week Program, a public art project at Carss Park, and the Discovery Festival of Community Arts.

3.      Council staff will update the Committee on the above activities. These projects aim to protect, develop and promote Aboriginal culture and heritage in the local community. Committee members are encouraged to engage in the planning and implementation of Council's programs.

Financial Implications

4.      Within budget allocation.


File Reference






Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 7

Item:                   AAC009-17        Review of Aboriginal Strategy  

Author:              Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer



(a)     That Committee members endorse the review and preparation of the Georges River Council Aboriginal Strategy.

(b)      That Committee members provide feedback on the Hurstville City Council Aboriginal Strategy, which has been tabled, as it is proposed that this document will serve as basis of the new Strategy.




1.      In the past, Council has worked with the community to realise the aspirations outlined in the former Councils’ Aboriginal Strategy and related documents. As a newly amalgamated Council, it is important that Georges River Council develops a new Georges River Council Aboriginal Strategy to ensure it addresses the needs of our changing community.




2.      The former Hurstville City Council Aboriginal Strategy was developed in the context of Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2021 to enhance engagement with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


3.      Council launched its Aboriginal Strategy during Reconciliation Week Celebration in May 2015. The Strategy has objectives and strategies to improve outcomes for local Aboriginal people. A Plan was developed in consultation with Committee members which outlines the individual projects and activities that Council will undertake to achieve the commitments made in the Aboriginal Strategy.


4.      Council is currently developing its Community Strategic Plan in consultation with the community. Council's Community Strategic Plan requires Council to work towards an integrated planning process wherein all strategies are linked. It is relevant that the Aboriginal Strategy links to the new Council plans, processes and documents.


5.      Council staff will provide further information about the Aboriginal Strategy review and facilitate input from Committee members into the development of the new strategy.


6.      Committee members are also encouraged to provide feedback on a number of draft documents that are currently on public exhibition, including Council’s draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan and draft Community Engagement Policy, with particular reference to their impact on representation from local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Financial Implications


7.   Within budget allocation.




File Reference





Attachment View1

Hurstville City Council Aboriginal Strategy


Georges River Council - Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting - Monday, 1 May 2017

AAC009-17          Review of Aboriginal Strategy

[Appendix 1]         Hurstville City Council Aboriginal Strategy



Page 9

















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Item:                   AAC010-17        Submission to the Referendum Council  

Author:              Multicultural and Indigenous Development Officer



(a)    That Committee members’ input is reflected in the submission to the Referendum Council on recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.

(b)     That Committee members’ endorse the submission.




1.      Council is planning to submit a submission to the Referendum Council on recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.




2.      The Referendum Council invites individuals and organisations to have their say on constitutional recognition by 8 May 2017. The views collected will be included in a report that will be written by the Referendum Council and delivered to the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition. This will be an important step toward a possible referendum on recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution. 


3.      Georges River Council is willing to join the conversation about the topic with Committee members and upload a submission.


4.      Council staff will table a draft submission at the Committee meeting and will facilitate discussion about this important issue and ensure Committee members views are captured in the paper.


Financial Implications

5.      No budget impact for this report.


File Reference






Georges River Council – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Meeting -  Monday, 1 May 2017                                           Page 26

6.      General Business

7.      Next Meeting – Monday, 7 August 2017 12.00noon